I get alot of people asking how to get the game its not very hard at all guys im gonna do a step by step to make it really easy for everyone new to get started
1#download this link http://www.mediafire.com/…/gevgn…/rFactorSetup1255g_Lite.exe
its rfactor lite comes with the basics of rfactor that u need to run the dirt mods and make sure it goes in your programs x86 folder
2#once u get rfactor downloaded go ahead and pay for it its 24.99 only part of the game u have to pay anything for the rest is all free
3#now that u have rfactor u need to get some mods for rfactor to run late models,modifieds or street stocks u can get everything u need off of (the dirt pile)but to make it easy i will post everything u need here
4#download the mods u need to race there are probably 10 different mods out there but to make it easy ill post the 4 most popular mods
5# these are the dirt latemodel 2s the first download is the original and the second download is the update u will need to race online they will show up on the server list as dirt latemodel 2
6#now we will get you the dirt motorsports latemodels again the first download is the original and the second is the update you will need to race they will show up on the server list as dm16 1.5
7#we will get you the odc street stocks there is also an original and an update as well they will show up on server list as dirt street stock o
8#now for the modifieds they are the drm sport modifieds they will show up as drmsportmods16
9#and the last mod you will need is the drm pro modifieds they will show up in the server list as drm mod beta pq
10#and the last dowloads u will need is the tracks there is 100s of tracks and u can get every track off of the dirt pile but to get u started you can dowload a few of these track packs these are the first 2 there are a total of 5 u can get the other 3 off of sprint cars online under track packs but if your looking for a specific track go to the dirt pile they have every individual track
boz track update(mandatory) so all tracks will work in your game
track pack one
track pack 2
farmer city (very popular track)
husets speedway very popular track
cedar lake speedway very popular track
11#the last steps are hook up your steering wheel or controller,and earphones with microphone or headset with mic and download teamspeak 3 heres the link for that get your headset all set up and come in our ts if u need help with anything go to connections hit connect and type in2fastmotorsports.teamspeak3.com
And your all set if if u have any problems with anything just message the page or get in ts will be easier to help you
-2 fast motorpsorts